Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A flower for me.

I love fabric flowers. On hair clips, head bands, pins, you name it. I'd probably bankrupt my family if I was left alone in a room with a credit card and Etsy. Okay, not really, but you get the idea.

I finally decided to just make one for myself. I had all most of the materials. I improvised a little.

So I did it, and I couldn't be more pleased. I didn't use a tutorial, I just did what I thought was the way it should be done, based on the materials I had. Not sure if it was the correct way or not, but I think it works!

Here I am wearing it. I made the camera strap slipcover too! I love the gray ruffles.

What do you think? Etsy worthy?

Also, eleventy bajillion internet points if you can guess which vital crafter material I do not own. You will gasp when you find out.

Linked up on:


  1. The flower is adorable and I love your ruffled camera strap! I'm going to guess that the one vital crafter tool you don't own is a glue gun, because it's shocking when a crafter doesn't have at least one good burnt finger story.

  2. Love this! The patterns are great! I would love for you to link up to my Ten Buck Tuesday link parties!
