*shakes fist at wind*

So could today have been any windier?! (Said in best Chanandler Bong voice). I checked the weather this morning and must have missed the part where we were going to have hurricane force winds all day. That would have been helpful knowledge when I was, you know, putting on that flowy-ass skirt this morning!!

Luckily it didn't fly up on me. When anyone was watching. I hope. *blushes*

So I got some pics of those Coog statues I was telling you about. Here they are:

Nice Kitteh

Mean Kitteh

I ate a nice breakfast of Stonyfield Farm Organic Probiotic Fat Free French Vanilla Yogurt *pause to catch breath* topped with sliced strawberries and 1/3 cup of granola. And I had a Berry Detox from Yogi Teas.

Class was good. In Christianity, we had a discussion about unChristian by David Kinneman and Gabe Lyons. I only have about 20 pages left in the book. It's a very interesting book. Basically, they researched why young people (16-29 year olds) outside of Christianity hold negative feelings or perceptions of the faith, and also how and why Christians need to change in order to break these perceptions. It's a very thought provoking read whether you are a Christian or not. I recommend it. My other class on Thursday is US History 1945-1960. I turned in a report (for extra creadit-WOOT!) and the lecture was a little entertaining. I realized I don't really know anything about Eisenhower. I really need to get on reading about him.

For lunch at my Alpha meeting I had a slice of veggie pizza and some Triscuit-like crackers and a little cup of pink lemonade. Not too bad.

Although, when I got home I promptly heated up some leftover Rice & Bean Casserole from last night so I must have been hungry. We're going to that fish fry in a little bit (maybe? I can't find my husband...) so hopefully that will hold me over in case there's nothing good for me to eat.

Tomorrow I have a hair appointment that I'm not looking forward to. I suppose I can bring my Ike biography with me and maybe get it knocked out while I'm sitting there FOR.EV.ER.

Oh! And I got invited to a Texas Young Republicans meeting in Galveston. We'd be working to help rebuild the Island and then there will be a board meeting. I'd really like to go. It's the weekend of my husband's birthday so maybe we can make a weekend out of it and stay at the hotel where they're holding the meeting. That'd be cool. I'd really like to get involved in a YR group. I'm disappointed with the UH group, as they never meet and never respond to correspondence. Tsk tsk.
Okay, that's all for now. I've gotta get some stuff done. Have a good evening!



Friday, April 10, 2009

LOL "Chanandler Bong"!!

KA, that is very cool about the TX Young R's! I am a big fan of our younger gen getting into politics, either side. Great!

Hey, if you want to boost your website traffic, start posting on other gal's blogs. They'll likely come back and visit yours. And email peeps to tell them that you've added them to your blog roll. Should boost things a bit.

I love your blog and want more people to visit.

And WTG on the cake!

  Kristan Anne

Friday, April 10, 2009

Thanks, Er! I'll take your advice. :)