Product review with dinner

I tried some Morningstar Italian sausage with dinner tonight. Thumbs down. The texture is just off. I won't be buying them again. Kosmo likes them though!

I boiled some crazy pasta (armoniche) and topped it with some vegetable primavera. I really liked it. Drizzled on a little olive oil and sprinkled some parm and parsley as well.

I was trying to take a pic of the pasta so you could see the shape. Kosmo thought I was giving him a treat.



Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Have I mentioned before that I love trying different shapes of pasta? I'm not sure why, but I just think it makes the meal more interesting than "boring old spaghetti".

And thanks for the review of the sausage; I've been tempted to try them before but haven't because they're kind of pricey and the NI is comparable to chicken sausage. They always look good though; bummer about the texture :(

  Kristan Anne

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My store has a whole aisle of pasta and there are so many shapes to choose from. I so want to splurge and get this kind that looks like little hats. :)

The sausage was a major letdown. They also make brats and I wanted to try those. Brats are one of the only real meats that I actually like to eat, so I was looking forward to trying the Morningstar kind. Now, not so much.