So you probably didn't may have noticed the hiatus. To be 100% perfectly honest, I got burned out. I didn't have anything to say, so I didn't force it.
I don't have much to say today either. But I figured I should give it a go to see if I'm interested in still keeping this thing going.
I don't know where I'm going with this blog. I don't have the patience to take a picture of every little thing I think about eating. I don't go out to eat to really cool places. So it's not a food blog.
I tried that new format a couple of weeks ago, but I didn't like it.
I'm not into exercising. I don't have a hobby right now because I just don't have time for it. What I do in school will bore you to tears. And the rest of the time, I just relax. Nothing interesting there.
And I have no desire to pack my days with things to do just so I can blog about them.
Maybe I could just use this as a journal of sorts. But I got a real paper journal and that is doing much better for me because I can say ALL the things I want to say in it and I don't have to censor myself. See, even though the people that stalk this blog have their own issues with me, I'm still respectable enough to not air that BS on here (or in my Facebook status because I'm not cool enough to do that). But in my journal, I write whatever I want. And yes, that was slightly passive aggressive. Don't dish it if you can't take it.
So I don't know what this blog is for. I don't know how to get people to comment. I have decided that what I write isn't thought provoking/interesting enough, and I'm okay with that. I mean, I can see that people visit and read, etc. But rarely does anyone say anything, so the only thing that says to me is that I'm not giving y'all anything to work with. I've never been an awesome writer or even very articulate, so this doesn't hurt my feelings or anything, it's just a fact.
I love reading other people's blogs though. Polly's blog no doubt WILL make me smile. Lara will have me laughing within seconds. There are others, but if I had to choose, those are my faves.
I guess I'll end this by saying that I still don't know what I want to do with this blog. I liked doing it when it was fun. I liked getting the feedback that I did get. I have learned of lots of other really cool blogs through blogging on my own. So many that I can barely get through my Google reader if I haven't checked it three times in one day!
And, as you've probably figured out: I love feedback, I want feedback. What do you think I should do with this blog? Do you think it's miserable and needs to end? Were there things that you did like about it that you'd like to see more of? Let me know!
3 hours ago
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Hey KA - Just wanted to say I had noticed you weren't posting :)
I like your blog - it's cute and makes me smile. I really liked reading about intuitive eating. Keep posting, but only if it makes you happy! Write for you - not for comments :)
Saturday, June 27, 2009
I love your blog! I don't know that it has to be about any one thing. If you feel like posting a book review one day, do that. If you want to do "tips and tricks" on weight loss or organization one day, then do that. I'm not sure that you have to have a focus in order to be interesting, helpful, and fun!
Just be your fun self. :) You have varied interests, and your blog can definitely reflect that.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
I noticed you've been gone. :(
I liked reading about what you were eating. But if that's not your cup of tea, then just write. Pick 1 idea you had today and postulate on it. :)
Saturday, June 27, 2009
I noticed you were gone too. I figured you were just busy and all, but I love reading your blog. And you don't have to have a theme. I wanted mine to be about med school, but when I'm not in school, I need to write about other things.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
I noticed you were gone but figured you were busy with school.
I don't think your blog has to have any one theme in particular. I like the variety of things -- IE, food, life stuff, tips -- just write whatever is on your mind.
And if you want to turn it into a journal, go private.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Thanks for all the feedback!
As for turning this into a journal, etc...I *personally* don't see the point in having a blog if no one else can read it. But I think that might be just me. I had something like that a long time ago and I didn't care for it too much.
But I am going to take the advice to not have it be about just one thing. I guess I thought all the blogs that I read tended to have just one theme, so I thought I should too. But y'all are right, it doesn't need that at all.
Thanks again, y'all! :)
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
I noticed!!
I think you should use your blog for whatever you want. Whether you just feel like talking about nothing or if you have something you feel passionate about.
No one is going to judge you for not posting every day either. After all, blogging should be a personal experience, not what everyone else wants. xoxo
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