Tree Huggin' Tuesday

I want to start off today's post by telling you that I am guilty of drinking prepackaged bottled water. As in right now, there's a half empty Ozarka bottle sitting near the left of the keyboard. I realize this is not very environmentally friendly, and I'd like to kick this habit. In my defense, I do recycle my bottles! You should see the back floorboard of my car. It's now a bottle dumping ground. I have good intentions to dump the plastic offenders into the bottle recycling bin at school (because we don't have recycling pickup service at home!) but I keep forgetting. Perhaps I'll remember tomorrow?

As many of you know, the husband and I are currently staying at my parents' house until we get our house. The parents are obsessed with bottled water even though they have a perfectly wonderful filtered water system on the refrigerator. I really need to be more adamant at educating them about this. Too bad they're so stubborn. Why they want to spend money on plastic just so they can throw it out is beyond me...

Anywho...I have been scouting out my own super cute water bottle. I haven't purchased one yet because I already have a few of those unbreakable Nalgene-like plastic water bottles from pre-BPA panic era. I don't panic about stuff like that and so I never jumped on the Sigg bandwagon when the rest of the world did.

But now I want a different bottle because I don't like the sizes of the water bottle I have already. And of course, style points are a bonus.


Klean Kanteen

Kor (I really want this one! So chic!)

So while I shop for one of these eco-friendly accessories, why don't you? If you haven't gotten on the reusable bottle train, please do. If not for the environment, do it to save yourself some pennies. I mean, a case of bottled water is about $5 and is usually gone in a week or less. Before the month is up, your fab new bottle will have paid for itself while saving the planet! Come on, you know you want to...



Tuesday, June 09, 2009

pays for itself even sooner if you buy bottled water per bottle!

I've got my eye on that Sigg bottle :D


Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Those are all really cute Siggs!


Tuesday, June 09, 2009

I have the first and second bottle on this list! I'm nuts about bottles like that. My SIGG holds 32 ounces, and I just got a Klean Kanteen that holds 27. I'm going to keep the Klean Kanteen at work and use the SIGG at home :)


Tuesday, June 09, 2009

All of those bottles are supa cute hon!

(((hugging trees)))


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I love that Kor bottle. Tres chic!


Thursday, June 11, 2009

I just got a 40oz Klean Kanteen with a coozie like thing made from Built. The Klean Kanteen has a wider mouth than the Sigg bottles do so it's easy to get ice in it. I also find that with the Sigg bottles I feel like I have to turn the lid like 4200 times before the lid comes out, this isn't the case with the KK. They're both pricey though... I really wanted to cover/tote for it because it's supposed to help keep it insulated plus it keeps it from sweating everywhere.