Well, I still have yet to make it to a Weight Watchers meeting. I just don't want to go. I don't know why. And towards the end of the week, I kind of slid off the gung-ho, making great choices, tracking every single thing wagon. Hey, I'm human! But the good news is:
I LOST THREE POUNDS! New weight: 162.6
So I'll keep trucking along. I might even make my mini goal (5%) by my graduation. :)
Speaking of graduation, I have been looking for a job like crazy. I know that I will have to take a crap job with practically no experience and being fresh out of school. But it seems like the only jobs available are sales and engineering. Both not for me. I was only a little surprised about this, seeing as the economy is not treating us too well. But I did apply for 5 jobs that look great, and I'm hopeful, because let's face it - who wouldn't want to hire me?! Kidding....
This week is Thanksgiving, as you all know. I have the whole week off of school, and it looks like it's going to get pretty busy. Here's my to do list (which includes mundane always-on-the-list stuff):dust
vacuumlaundry wash delicates
strip both beds
clean closet
re-organize coupon binderiron
write history paper (due Dec. 3)
do religion take-home exam (due Dec. 3)
re-write notes for religion for final exam (exam on Dec. 3)find recipe for sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving
clean bathrooms
drop books off at Half Price Books
drop donations off at Goodwillplan meals for the week
get out Christmas decorationsfind recipes for Christmas cookies
order graduation regalia (graduation on Dec. 18)
clean microwave
clean refrigerator
clean pantryadd bookmarked blogs to Google Reader
dog park
gym or workout at home
plan Black Friday attack
Yeah, it's a pretty long list, but I love lists, so it's not daunting to me. I feel great when I can cross stuff off the list! And now I'm off to go work on some more things. I am aiming to get this list done by Wednesday. Some things (like my schoolwork) will probably get pushed onto next week's list, but I'm hoping to get them done ASAP.
Happy Monday everyone!
3 days ago
Monday, November 23, 2009
3lbs! Congrats :)
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