See? Aren't they pretty? That orange guy was leftover from last week's flowers. Way to hang in there little buddy!
Wanna know what I did today? Watched Disney movies ALLLLLLL day. I'm watching all the animated ones for a big research paper that is due in three weeks. I'm getting a little worried that I'm falling behind. I have two other papers to get done soon, so I really need to buckle down and concentrate.
Breakfast was just something light. Just toast with PB, glass of milk, and a big ass orange. And a little leisure reading:Maniac Kosmo was out of doggy food so I ran to PetSmart to grab a bag and while I was there I grabbed a few more toys that were on clearance, as well as a really cool doggy water bottle for when we go out for walks. It was only $1.47!
Does your dog line up his/her toys like that? Kosmo will actually sleep on them...such a strange beast.
I forgot to take pics at the grocery store, but I have some pics of some of the cool stuff I got:
-The top one is the Odwalla Berries GoMega bar that I've had before.
-The middle is an Odwalla Stawberry Pomegranate. Never had this one.
-The bottom is a strawberry Mrs. Mays Trio bar. I've never seen these before. It's vegan and has "3 nuts, 3 seeds, 3 fruits".
Lunch was some leftover pasta stuff and a bottle of Twist Organic Mango Acai:
The Twist was just okay. I'd never seen it before and thought I'd give it a try. It's not sweet at all. It is 25 calories for the whole 19 ounce bottle.
Dinner was Yellow Squash Gratin, which I really liked and the husband says is good (he had chicken with his) except he scraped off the bread crumb topping like some kind of evil alien or something. What is wrong with him?!
And now I'm just chillin here catching up on some blog stuff and getting ready to get back to watching some Disney movies.
I wanted to give Erin at I Walk In This World a big HUMONGO thank you for the POM and the Oikos coupons! The POM is delish and I will definitely be buying some when I am out. I haven't tried the Oikos yet though. Thanks again Erin!! Actually, be sure to check out her blog and participate in this awesome auction and bake sale that really means a lot to a lot of people (including me!).
Good night, kids!
4 hours ago
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I <3 POM. Really good in mixed drinks too! ;)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Disney movies + flowers = amazing. What's your fav disney movie...because mine is DEFINITELY Mulan.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Glad you're enjoying the POM!
Thanks for the link back to the Auction!
Nope, Hilly doesn't line up her toys, but it cracks me up that Kosmo does!!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Love the flowers. Enjoy your Disney movies!
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