Girl's Night In.

I slept in this morning. It's nice when I can wake up at 7AM and think that is sleeping in, but it's an extra two hours of sleep compared to my school days! I made a big honkin omelet out of two large eggs, some 2% shredded cheddar, about 1 cup of quartered cherry tomatoes, some parsley, and 2 sliced scallions. I am not very good at omelet cookin' and it got a little overcooked, but I ate the whole thing regardless.

Hubs is going to a bachelor party tonight and I'm taking advantage of some me time to have a chick flick + mani/pedi marathon. I'm thinking there will be wine involved too so I don't get too annoyed when he stumbles in at 4 AM!

I just dug through my nail polish collection, which consists of a whopping 7 shades (two of them almost identical), and I've decided I need one more shade. I don't have a bright orangey summery color! I love oranges in the summertime. Before our Galveston trip, I had the nail lady put OPI's Tasmanian Devil Made Me Do It on my toes and it's exactly the shade I'm talking about. Loves it!

Here's my arsenal for tonight (imagine a bottle of riesling behind that):

You can see that there are a lot of movies in that stack! I'm sure I won't be able to watch them all, so I'm starting with these three.

I still can't believe I haven't seen all these movies! I really don't get out to the movies enough. Thankfully my mom likes to buy movies just to buy them so I don't have to go hunt them down at the RedBox.

Okay then, I'm off to run a few errands before settling in with my polish, movies, whinewine, and my book.



Saturday, June 06, 2009

It sounds like you have a fantabulous night planned!


Saturday, June 06, 2009

I LOVE that nail polish color! I've got it on my toes right now. Enjoy your night! Those are some of my favorite movies!